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En el día de hoy, Respawn ha liberado una nueva actualización de Titanfall para Xbox One, esta actualización ha añadido una nueva modalidad para poder crear partidas privadas, ademas han aprovechado para modificar algunos parámetros de armas y requisitos para las regeneraciones.
La principal novedad que trae esta actualización, es que desde este momento ya podemos crear partidas privadas y jugar al modo de juego que queramos con nuestros amigos.
Aunque actualmente se encuentra en fase de BETA, ya es posible seleccionar este modo para crear salas privadas en las que podemos jugar de 2 a 12 jugadores, siendo 6 como máximo por equipo, como en una partida normal.
Esta nueva modalidad de juego trae consigo varias restricciones, ya que jugando con amigos, no se podrá ganar experiencia ni sumar a las estadísticas los resultados que obtengamos en estas partidas, al igual que tampoco se desbloquearan logros.
Al finalizar cada partida, si veremos la puntuación que habríamos ganado en caso de haber jugado en el modo de juego en linea normal, pero de ninguna manera esto se sumara a nuestro perfil de partidas públicas. Estás partidas seguirán estando alojadas en los servidores dedicados, no habrá variaciones respecto a las partidas publicas.
Como podéis ver en la imagen superior, también han modificado el menú del juego, prescindiendo del antiguo «jugar a clásico» por el actual «jugar a multijugador«.
En nuestras partidas privadas podremos seleccionar tanto modo de juego, como mapa, pero el resto de ajustes de la partida de momento no se pueden modificar, aunque parece que próximamente si estará activa esta opción para preparar la partida con los parámetros que nosotros queramos.
Otros de los cambios que veremos después de actualizar el juego, es que se ha añadido una opción rápida para entrar en el grupo, al igual que hacíamos con RT para invitar a los amigos al juego, ahora con LT podremos hacer lo mismo pero con la opción de poder invitar directamente a los jugadores de nuestro grupo o crear un grupo para empezar a jugar.
Estas son los dos cambios más notables que veremos al iniciar el juego, aunque la lista de modificaciones que ha realizado Respawn no acaban aquí, ya que han aprovechado para modificar algunos requisitos en las regeneraciones, han modificado algunas puntuaciones en los objetivos de partida y también han modificado algunas armas para acentuar su poder.
A continuación podéis ver el resto de modificaciones que se han incluido con esta actualización, al ser un texto tan amplio, hemos decidido dejar la nota con las correcciones sin traducir para no alterar el contenido original.
[toggle title=»Actualización Titanfall 10 de abril»]
The Gooser Challenge – Based on recent feedback from fans of the game, the Gen 5 challenge requirement ‘Gooser’, requiring players to kill 50 ejecting pilots, will be reduced to 5 total. We had a couple of design goals for Regeneration. One was to give players a structured way to discover and experience ways of playing the game they might not have otherwise tried on their own. The second was to recognize players’ mastery of various skills, going beyond just ‘time played’. We went a bit too far with this challenge, especially considering the unique conditions that have to be met just to have the opportunity to get a kill on an ejecting Pilot. We understand some players have already completed the challenge, or have already earned more than the new requirement so we will be internally noting those players so we can recognize their accomplishments in a future game update.
40mm magazine capacity for default and Extended Mag – The default magazine size was making the 40mm too powerful. It is intended to be the only weapon that can take a Titan down without reloading, if used skillfully. However, 20 rounds per magazine were proving to be too high and overly tolerant of indiscriminate fire. We’ve reduced it to 12 rounds per magazine, which still allows players to take a Titan down without reloading, but helps balance it out against other Titan weapons. The extended mag has also been dropped from 25 to 16, with the same design principles applying to this change.
Titan Quad Rocket mag size change – During development, there was a time when the Quad Rocket was too powerful. We made a lot of changes to pull it back before shipping (lessened the screen shake impact, lessened the duration of the first person impact FX, lowered the magazine size, pulled the damage back, etc.) It currently can struggle against other Titan weapons and going back to the 5/6 (default/extended mag) magazine sizes helps balance the weapon and allows players to miss a few shots and still be effective. It was 4/5, now its 5/6.
Titan Quad Rocket damage vs Titan shields – It was taking too long to drop a Titans shields with the Quad Rocket (5 shots). This meant you had to reload before you could even drop an enemy Titan’s shields. This was the only Titan weapon that had this issue. We’ve now upped the damage against Titan shields so that it can drop a shield with 4 shots. Combined with the increased mag size, this damage increase effectively gives you one more volley in the mag to deal serious direct hull damage.
Titan Quad Rocket ‘Rapid Fire’ Mod’s mag size change – We upped the magazine size for the Quad Rocket’s Rapid Fire Mod to help it compete with the changes made to the extended magazine (from 5 to 6). The Rapid Fire Mod’s magazine size is going up from 16 to 18.
Amped Kraber Titan damage change – We upped the damage that the Amped Kraber Burn Card does to Titans. It is now the only significantly effective “small arms” weapon against Titans. Note that this only applies to the Amped version of the Kraber. The damage goes up from 100 to 800. We added this to give the Kraber Burn Card a little bit more character, as well as to give you something to shoot if you have a hard time hitting those little Pilots with the Kraber. So snipe away at those Titans…before they kill you!
Hardpoint Domination scoring changes – We wanted to reward and encourage players to go out and capture enemy hardpoints. As important as defending a hardpoint is, capturing them is more important and a tougher task, generally speaking. We did not want to completely remove points for defending, but attacking players were getting too little credit for their efforts. Here is a breakdown of the changes:
• Capturing a hardpoint from 150 to 250
• Assisting in capturing a hardpoint from 75 to 100
• Neutralizing a hardpoint from 50 to 150
• Assisting in neutralizing a hardpoint from 25 to 75
• Killing a player inside an enemy hardpoint from outside (nearby) from 75 to 50
• Killing a player inside an enemy hardpoint from outside (far) from 75 to 50
• Killing a player inside an enemy hardpoint from inside the hardpoint from 75 to 50
• Killing an NPC inside an enemy hardpoint from inside the hardpoint from 25 to 10
• Killing a player outside of a friendly hardpoint whilst inside of a hardpoint from 75 to 50
• Killing a player inside of a friendly hardpoint whilst inside of a hardpoint from 75 to 50
• Killing an NPC outside of a friendly hardpoint whilst inside of a hardpoint from 25 to 10
• Killing an NPC inside of a friendly hardpoint whilst inside of a hardpoint from 25 to 10
• Defending a hardpoint now goes from 75 to 25
CTF scoring changes – We wanted to make sure the big payoff in CTF came from capturing the flag. Killing the carrier and then returning the flag was worth 400 points (combined), while capturing the flag was worth 500 points in comparison. These changes are meant to reward players who capture the flag a bit more than those who kill the carrier and return the flag. Defense is still a very important aspect of CTF so we wanted to make sure to keep defending points high enough to still encourage playing defense. Here is a breakdown of the changes:
• Capturing a flag from 500 to 400
• Returning the flag from 250 to 100
• Killing the flag carrier from 150 to 100
BUG FIXES (All Platforms)
• Fixed an issue where a Titan firing ordnance would not show on the minimap correctly.
• Fixed a rare bug with Pilot health pools that would make them virtually invincible.
• Fixed rare cases where Titans could be called in through solid geometry.
• Titan shields now protect friendly rodeo players from explosion damage (such as from an Arc Cannon).
• Fixed a case where a Pilot could embark a Titan through walls.
• Spitfire LMG and XO-16 firing sounds will no longer sometimes cut off before the gun is finished firing.
• The Archer now locks onto the top of a heavy turret rather than the base of the turret.
• The Archer’s rockets now home in on Titans correctly when those targets are kneeling.
• Fixed shadows incorrectly shimmering on a particular area of Lagoon.
• Fixed Satchel Charges and Particle Walls causing pilots to permanently rodeo other pilots.
• Fixed certain characters not rendering properly in French and other languages.
• Fixed an issue where «Initializing…» would be displayed if a server wasn’t found.
• Fixed being unable to scroll to the top of the datacenter list after scrolling down.
• Greatly reduced the bandwidth used when connecting to a server. People who previously could not progress past the load-screen when connecting to servers should be able to play now.
• Grunts now show up on the minimap when they shoot.
BUG FIXES (Xbox One)
• Fixed a rare full-screen blue/red flash.
• Audio should no longer overlap after going to the Xbox dashboard and back into Titanfall.
• Fixed a crash when saying «Xbox go back» on certain menus.
A selection of improvements that will be released in an upcoming update:
• More Custom Loadout Slots with Custom Slots per Game Mode
• Ability to rename Custom Loadout Slots
• Last Game Summary shows the scoreboard from the previous match
• Additional customization options in Private Match
• Better 120hz monitor support
• Pick-up prompt for dropped Amped weapons appear in a different color than for normal weapons
• Enhanced interaction with Challenges. You will be able to review your Challenges by the following criteria:
o Completed (in your previous match)
o Most progressed (in your previous match)
o Almost completed (overall)
• Scoreboard icons will reflect 3 new states:
o Player Evacuated
o Player Dead with Auto-Titan Still Alive
o Player Alive with Auto-Titan Still Alive
And more…stay tuned!
La actualización tiene un peso de 88 megas, para saber si ya la tenéis instalada, basta con entrar al juego para que os salte la actualización al iniciar, o ver en el propio menú del juego que la versión actual es la, que estará justo bajo de vuestro Gamertag.